Select recordName from the list and ensure the index type is Queryable. Sync user data between multiple apps from the same developer. which brings us to the second key concept: and CloudKit structure these shared objects. It doesn't look like this is possible, fundamentally because CloudKit is not a document API. Figure 48 2 shows an example share options settings screen: Once a method of communication has been selected by the user from the cloud sharing controller, the completion handler assigned to the controller will be called. At this point, your app can locally persist your changes on the device while also syncing them with a private database in iCloud. You can download the completed project files by clicking the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of the tutorial. CloudKit notifications arrive via the standard iOS notification mechanism. fetchShares(matching objectIDs:) is new in iOS 15. and allows me to get the CKShare for a specific post. It accepts the share and adds the necessary metadata into the sharedPersistentStore. These values are decrypted locally on device after they're downloaded from the CloudKit server, and they're encrypted locally on device before they are uploaded to the CloudKit server. Page - Sharing data between User Controls without access to the Page class - Accessing data between user controls WPF - Passing data between user controls in wpf - Pass data between parent child user controls . Subscriptions are one of the most valuable CloudKit features. You now see the shared entry on your second device. and the cells that correspond to unshared objects don't. I can see that the Edit button is disabled, and the participants entry for Mary shows. The end goal is not only to display shared entries but also to get information about the people participating in the share. As you prepare to present your CloudSharingView, you need this property because the second parameter of CloudSharingView is a CKContainer. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer includes a number of API methods to align with each of these concerns. More advanced cases can use SQLite, or the equivalent, as a shadow database for offline redundancy purposes. For each participant, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer manages objects in two CloudKit databases, the .private and the .shared database. In the iCloud section, tap the + button underneath Containers to add a custom container. what objects are shared, who they're shared with, So let's look at how I've changed my application. The last change I had to make was to be able to accept share invitations, which I do using this new method on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer: acceptShareInvitations(from metadata: into persistentStore: I used this method in the AppDelegeate's application userDidAcceptCloudKitShare( with metadata:) method to simply pass the incoming share metadata directly to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. See that data now exists at the bottom in the Participants section. To edit or update the caption or description, tap the destination cell to see the detail screen. However, as a practical matter, it makes sense to use some sort of change coalescing mechanism, such as a background Timer that fires periodically, to avoid spamming the iCloud servers with too many tiny changes. In addition to this, you set databaseScope to .shared. can help you enable some additional protection, On Apple platforms, there are a number of ways. I can see my new album with the photo I shared. Learn SwiftUI and take your iOS Development to the Next LevelSwiftUI Essentials iOS 16 Edition book is now available in Print ($39.99) and eBook ($29.99) editions. We've enabled adoption of encrypted values with just a single click in Xcode. I had to decorate the post table cells to indicate which ones are shared. Once set up, operations are passed to the CKDatabase object, where theyll be executed on a background thread. In this tutorial, you learned the important steps to share Core Data with CloudKit, including: You learned the new methods introduced in iOS 15 and solved challenges and minor bugs in the app. Go to the first device you created the share from, because you need to be the Owner to access the Share Options. Next, I'll tap Mail and invite Jermaine and Mary. When the user taps the link that was shared earlier and accepts the invitation, the delegate calls this method and launches the app. [/spoiler]. CloudKit sharing provides a way for records contained within a private database to be shared with other app users, entirely at the discretion of the owner of that database. There are two ways to share data via CloudKit: record sharing and zone sharing. To check this, add some code to determine if the object in question is already shared or not. You could use the recordId for this. So let's take a look at exactly how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer shares objects. Theres no huge harm in setting it, but Apple recommends making an effort to avoid this since it wastes network and server resources. That can enable some interesting cross-application workflows. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? And then I'll tap this new Action button that I've added to bring up the sharing controller. Build and run. In Core Data, we think of our objects in terms of NSManagedObject. CloudKit sharing is made possible primarily by the CKShare class. For our purposes, a single view application containing a UITextView with the ViewController as its delegate will suffice. This class is initialized with the root CKRecord instance that is to be shared with other users together with the permission setting. Sharing with one other person is interesting, Each of these participants will be able to access. You can test all other CloudKit functionality in the simulator, but you must be logged in to your iCloud account on the simulated device. Then, I set its CloudKit container options databaseScope property to .shared. Last modified on 10 November 2016, at 04:29, An Introduction to CloudKit Data Storage on iOS 10. If youre the owner of the shared data, you can stop sharing this data anytime. Finally, I invoke UICloudSharingController's completion block with the results provided by NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, which tells it I'm ready to continue the sharing flow. There's a lot of new API to learn about. This seems to be a good tool for that: Also, to change the sharing permissions because it doesnt work properly on a simulator. Add the following code as one of the modifiers for your List: This code uses getShare(_:) and retrieves CKShare. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. [music]. we think of our objects in terms of NSManagedObject. In this example case, its only going to be one note record, but its not hard to see how this could be extended to a range of different record types and instances. This snippet of code is part of a test case I wrote, to ensure that its table cells correctly indicate. Add the following method to your extension: With this code in place, you can determine if the destination is already shared and then take the proper action. Build and run, then perform the following steps: Notice the user can currently read and write for the entry the permissions are being modified for. Although this adds complexity to the client, its ultimately a far better solution than having Apple come up with one of a few server-side mechanisms for conflict resolution. with the CloudKit server in the container associated. Once youre in this section, you need to specify the container you want to see. Tap the Add Destination button. In this simple Note application, with a single user switching between devices, youre not likely to see too many conflicts in a live concurrency sense. And exactly how much did I have to change in the sample application? So how does NSPersistentCloudKitContainer know where to keep your records? Heather, Jermaine, Percy, and Mary are all test accounts. And now I can see the new post. Let's look at that change in a bit more detail. For app developers, the situation was even worse. CloudKit app require a few items to be enabled on the Capabilities Pane of the Xcode Target: iCloud (naturally), including the CloudKit checkbox, Push Notifications, and Background Modes (specifically, remote notifications). Click Query Records to see a listing of the record(s) you created in the app earlier! In this example, theres just the one record, but for future expandability, this is a great potential performance benefit. Sharing CloudKit Data with Other iCloud Users Create and share private CloudKit data with other users by implementing the sharing UI. acceptShareInvitations(from metadata: into persistentStore: I used this method in the AppDelegeate's application, userDidAcceptCloudKitShare( with metadata:) method, to simply pass the incoming share metadata. Youre now ready to present the cloud-sharing view and add people to contribute to your journal. Also, the service itself must protect against a range of potential issues, such as unauthorized requests, conflicting changes, and the like. On Mary's device, I'll accept the new share, and now I can see the new post. than the simple injection I used in the test. I'll tap the Action button to bring up the sharing controller, but this time, I want the share to be read-only so that the participants can't edit or modify the contents of the share. we have built in to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. In Record Zone Sharing, shared CKRecords are contained inside a shared CKRecordZone. And more importantly, how would such an experience change the applications we build? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Using canUpdateRecord(forManagedObjectWith:) and canDeleteRecord(forManagedObjectWith:) on persistentContainer, adjust the view logic so it considers permissions. Modern mobile application development requires a well thought-out plan for keeping user data in sync across various devices. Under isShared(object:), add the following methods: These methods return a Boolean based on the objects permissions. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! For example purposes, I included a basic sanity check to make sure I am updating the correct record, and then update the fields and notify the delegate that we have new data. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. When the app comes up, youll notice the shared journal entry doesnt show up. At the top level is CKContainer, which encapsulates a set of related CloudKit data. This logic first checks to see whether the object is shared. The CKFetchRecordsOperation operates on one or more records at a time. They build on Apples notification infrastructure to allow various clients to get push notifications when certain CloudKit changes occur. This means not only the owner but also the second user can modify the data shared with them. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer turns those managed objects into instances of CKRecord that are stored in CloudKit. For example, this user may have a private zone. CloudKit prefixes your entities with CD to distinguish them from traditional CloudKit records. to write all of these tests and structure the application. For example, this user may have a private zone and a shared zone that they own in their .private database. What has meta-philosophy to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? If you attempt to select record type as CD_Destination and query records from here, you receive an error stating Field recordName isnt marked queryable. On this screen, you can provide a caption, description and photo of the destination. I've already saved Heather and Mary in my address book, so they're easy to find. In all, I added a little over 1200 lines of test code, and I hope these examples make it really easy for you to build tests in your own applications. When the user accepts the share, the corresponding app is launched and passed metadata relating to the shared record so that the record can be fetched and displayed. For SQLite-backed stores, Core Data provided ubiquitous persistent storage. where my friends and I can share our photos with each other. That means we can't change our mind later and choose to encrypt fields that aren't already encrypted today in production. First, update your container type to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. If you have any questions or comments, please join the forum discussion below. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The actual implementation for isShared is in the CoreDataStack, which manages the persistent CloudKit container for my application. to add specific logic to my application code. Each participant will also have their own collection of devices. Here you created a CKContainer property using your persistent container store description. When a notification comes in that a record has changed, CloudKitNoteDatabase will do the heavy lifting of fetching the changes from CloudKit. I needed a way to ensure they all work correctly. It's been my pleasure to introduce just some of the changes we've made to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to support sharing. Within this container, youre going to use the private database (because you want the users note to be seen only by that user) and within the private database, youre going to use a custom record zone, which enables notification of specific record changes. With a free Kodeco account you can download source code, track your progress, The final step is to set the cloudKitContainerOptions property for the sharedStoreDescription you created. This is a thorny problem with many gotchas and pitfalls, but users expect the feature, and expect it to work well. Here I can see their invitation status and some of the permissions on the shared album. Learn to share data between CoreData and CloudKit in a SwiftUI app. Manage Settings Note that, in my example application, this conflict resolution step happens in the CloudKitNote class, described later. Participants can have different roles and permissions. Open CoreDataStack.swift. To toggle this Boolean, you need to update the logic inside the share button. Generally speaking, youll be working with an NSManagedObject from your view. and automatically assigns records to them. Now I'm going to add a new post, give it a title, and tap Done. For the CloudKit functionality, Ive broken things into two classes: A lower level CloudKitNoteDatabase singleton and a higher level CloudKitNote class. I'm Nick Gillett, an engineer here at Apple on the Core Data team. Build and run. For starters, a few custom errors can be defined to shield the client from the internals of CloudKit, and a simple delegate protocol can inform the client of remote updates to the underlying Note data. However, you dont have any metadata about the share. Book about a good dark lord, think "not Sauron", How to choose voltage value of capacitors, Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. Theres one minor bug with your app at the moment. Within each CKContainer are multiple instances of CKDatabase. CloudKit is built on top of Apples iCloud service. If I tap on it, I can see that the Edit button is disabled and the participants entry for Jermaine shows that he is a Read-Only participant on the share. The UICloudSharingController class provides a pre-built view controller which handles much of the work involved in gathering the necessary information to send a share link to another user. Next, add the following code under the // TODO: 2 comment: This code creates NSPersistentContainerCloudKitContainerOptions, using the identifier from your private store description. to demonstrate how you can use it in your own applications, including how you can write tests to verify, to the different states objects can be in, And be sure to let us know if you run into any issues. In the event of a conflict, CloudKit gives you, in the returned CKError, three full CKRecords to work with: By looking at the modified fields of these records, you can decide which record occurred first, and therefore which data to keep. The simple act of writing a record to the database is straightforward enough, but in my example, with multiple clients, this is where youll face the potential issue of handling a conflict when multiple clients attempt to write to the server concurrently. Another user will see a different set of zones in their .private and .shared databases, depending on whether or not they are the owner of those zones. After adding a few of these customizations. Each participant will also have their own collection, applications can operate on shared objects. At the moment, when you launch the app, entries in your journal all look the same. A user of an app could, for example, make one or more records accessible to other users so that they can view and, optionally, modify the record. Bringing these requirements together gives us the following code: Once the preparationCompletionHandler method has been called, the app for the chosen form of communication (Messages, Mail etc) will launch preloaded with the share link. On Apple platforms, there are a number of ways we can share the data our applications create. First off, you need to make sure youre starting from a valid CKRecord. Users may not be signed in, they may have disabled CloudKit for the app, they may be in airplane modethe list of exceptions goes on. Fetching a record by name is very straightforward. When the app opens, the userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWith method is called on the app delegate class: When this method is called it is passed a CKShareMetadata object containing information about the share. Please enable JavaScript to enjoy the best experience. Next, open DestinationDetailView.swift. Save the changes. This second step may be repeated in the case of a conflict. The UICloudSharingController is a view controller that presents standard screens for adding and removing people from a CloudKit share record. The first is the notion of a set of actors. Also, a CloudKit record may only be shared if it is stored in a private database and is a member of a record zone other than the default zone. Both the CKShare and associated CKRecord object are then saved to the private database. CloudKit sharing involves the creation of CKShare objects initialized with the record to be shared. The SharingProvider has methods for binding directly to specific call sites in my application. This might not always be the best outcome for professional apps, but its not bad for a first rule and, for this purpose, serves to illustrate the mechanism by which CloudKit passes conflict information back to the client. It's called the SharingProvider. The code above stores a reference to each store when its loaded. Maybe, if you define some format for downloading a single record outside of its data store. I've already modified it to support sharing posts with different iCloud users. When a user decides to share CloudKit data, a share link in the form of a URL is sent to the person with whom the data is to be shared. This view contains the logic for your share button. Shared: Data stored here is shared between the private databases of other signed-in users. . In fact, in a sense, youre recreating the convenience APIs. that constrain how they can act on a particular set of objects. Last, open HomeView.swift and look for the swipeActions modifier. In addition, they would see my two zones that I share with them and any other zones they are a participant on in their .shared database. Select Private Database. Can download the completed project files by clicking the download Materials button at the moment tips. In their.private database allows me to get information about the ( presumably ) philosophical work of non philosophers... Uicloudsharingcontroller is a view controller that presents standard screens for adding and removing people from a CloudKit record! Or bottom of the destination you define some format for downloading a single click in Xcode decorate the table! For offline redundancy purposes CloudKit data your records or update the caption or description, tap the + underneath... 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